martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

Identificación de léxico en Inglés. tarea 1 del curso de inglés instrumental del doctorado. agosto 2010

Identificar 2 ejemplos de: artículos, verbos, sustantivos, sufijos, adjetivos, advervios, cognados (falsos y verdaderos), preposiciones, conjunciones y prefijos encontrado en textoescrito en inglés. Se sustrajo párrafos del texto para mostrar donde se ubican los ejemplos.
Artículos: The question they get time and time again is "What's new in leadership?"
               The use of either one or the other depends on context

Verbos: When you believe you can make a difference.
             You need to spend time reflecting on the future

Sustantivos: If people don't believe in you...
                   Learning is the master skill of leadership.

Adverbios: Change invariably involves challenge
                  They won't willingly follow you

Adjetivos: Leadership is a team sport
                The next time you see a problem and say...

Sufijos: It's the quality that most differentiates leaders from individual contributors
            These truths should form the basis of any leadership development program.

Prefijos: With that understanding, we can develop...
              Change invariably involves challenge

Preposiciones: Leadership is not about telling others they ought to solve these problems
                       That is probably the fundamental truth of leadership development.

Conjunciones: You need to know what you believe in because you can only...
                       It brings you face-to-face with you level of commitment, your grittness, and your values.

Cognados: It's about seeing a problem and accepting personal responsibility for doing something about it.
                 ...They are both aspects of the ability (capacidad) to achieve one's purpose...                  

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